(Janet Anne Haradon Dailey)
Narodila sa 21.mája 1944 v Storm Lake, v Iowe.
Vždy chcela byť spisovateľkou, milovala knihy.
Svoj prvý román napísala v roku 1974, kniha bola prijatá edíciou Harlequin.
Mnohé jej knihy vychádzajú v SR v edícii Love story!
Cord and Stacy
1. No Quarter Asked (1974)
2. Fiesta San Antonio (1977)
3. For Bitter or Worse (1978)
1. Dangerous Masquerade: Alabama (1976)
2. Northern Magic: Alaska (1982)
3. Sonora Sundown: Arizona (1978)
4. Valley of the Vapours: Arkansas (1976)
5. Fire and Ice: California (1975) – OHEŇ A ĽAD (č. 185)
6. After the Storm: Colorado (1975)
7. Difficult Decision: Connecticut (1980)
8. The Matchmakers: Delaware (1977)
9. Southern Nights: Florida (1980)
10. Night of the Cotillion: Georgia (1976)
11. Kona Winds: Hawaii (1979)
12. The Travelling Kind: Idaho (1981)
13. A Lyon’s Share: Illinois (1976)
14. The Indy Man: Indiana (1977) – OSUDOVÁ ZRÁŽKA (č. 212)
15. The Homeplace: Iowa (1976)
16. The Mating Season: Kansas (1980)
17. Bluegrass King: Kentucky (1977) – OSUDOVÁ PREMENA (č. 209)
18. The Bride of the Delta Queen: Louisiana (1978) – HRA OMYLOV (č. 216)
19. Summer Mahogany: Maine (1978) – ČUDNÁ SVADBA (č. 166) – Podivná svatba
20. Bed of Grass (1979)
21. That Boston Man: Massachusetts (1979)
22. Enemy in Camp: Michigan (1980)
23. Giant of Mesabi: Minnesota (1978) – AKO BLESK Z JASNÉHO NEBA (č. 179)
24. A Tradition of Pride: Mississippi (1981)
25. Show Me: Missouri (1976)
26. Big Sky Country: Montana (1977) – ČAS ZÁZRAKOV (č. 173)
27. Boss Man from Ogallala: Nebraska (1975) – KOVBOJ (č. 178)
28. Reilly’s Woman: Nevada (1977)
29. Heart of Stone: New Hampshire (1980) – SRDCE Z KAMEŇA (č. 190)
30. One of the Boys: New Jersey (1980) – SAMA VO SVETE MUŽOV (č. 223)
31. Land of Enchantment: New Mexico (1975) – DIEVČA Z DALLASU (č. 222)
32. Beware of the Stranger: New York (1978)
33. That Carolina Summer: Carolina (1981)
34. Lord of the High Lonesome: North Dakota (1980)
35. The Widow and the Wastrel: Ohio (1977)
36. Six White Horses: Oklahoma (1977)
37. To Tell the Truth: Oregon (1977)
38. The Thawing of Mara: Pennsylvania (1980) – SNEHOVÁ KRÁĽOVNÁ (č. 227)
39. Strange Bedfellow: Rhode Island (1979)
40. Low Country Liar: South Carolina (1979)
41. Dakota Dreamin‘: South Dakota (1981) – S TROCHOU ŠŤASTIA (č. 230)
42. Sentimental Journey: Tennessee (1979)
43. Savage Land: Texas (1974) – RUŽA Z TEXASU (č. 167)
44. A Land Called Deseret: Utah (1979) – PYŠNÁ PRINCEZNÁ (č. 171)
45. Green Mountain Man: Vermont (1978)
46. Tidewater Lover: Virginia (1978) – KTO Z KOHO (č. 196)
47. For Mike’s Sake: Washington (1979) – TÁ PRAVÁ (č. 176)
48. Wild and Wonderful (1980) – HOP ALEBO TROP (č. 197)
49. With a Little Luck: Wisconsin (1981) – MÁVNUTÍM ČAROVNÉHO PRÚTIKA (č. 231)
50. Darling Jenny: Wyoming (1975)
Let’s Be Jolly (omnibus) (2005)
1. This Calder Range (1982)
2. Stands a Calder Man (1983)
3. This Calder Sky (1981)
4. Calder Born, Calder Bred (1983)
5. Calder Pride (1998)
6. Green Calder Grass (2002)
7. Shifting Calder Wind (2003)
8. Calder Promise (2004)
9. Lone Calder Star (2005)
10. Calder Storm (2006)
1. Aspen Gold (1991)
2. Illusions (1997) – ILÚZIE – Iluze
Something Extra (1975)
Sweet Promise (1976)
The Master Fiddler (1977)
The Ivory Cane (1977)
The Rogue (1979)
Touch the Wind (1979) – Dotek větru
Ride Thunder (1980) – KEĎ SPÚTAŠ BÚRKU
Nightway (1980)
The Lancaster Men (1981)
For the Love of God (1981)
The Hostage Bride (1981)
Terms of Surrender (1982)
Wildcatter’s Woman (1982)
Foxfire Light (1982)
Mistletoe and Holly (1982)
The Second Time (1982)
Separate Cabins (1983)
The Best Way to Lose (1983)
Western Man (1983)
Leftover Love (1984)
Silver Wings Santiago Blue (1984)
The Glory Game (1985) – LÁSKA NA ÚVER
The Pride of Hannah Wade (1985)
The Great Alone (1986)
Heiress (1987) – Dědička
Rivals (1988) – Rivalové
Masquerade (1990) – Maškaráda
The Taming of Mara: Pennsylvania (1991)
Tangled Vines (1992) – Duchové minulosti
The Healing Touch (1994)
Riding High (1994)
The Proud and the Free (1994)
Legacies (1995) – DEDIČSTVO
Notorious (1996) – Nepokořená
Castles in the Sand (1996)
Wild Action (1997) (with Dawn Stewardson)
Scrooge Wore Spurs (1997)
A Capital Holiday (2001)
The Not Forgotten War (2003)
Maybe This Christmas (2003)
Everything (2004)
Because of You (2004)
Can’t Say Goodbye (2004)
Dance with Me (2004)
Eve’s Christmas (2006)
Man of Mine (2007)
Something More (2007)
Wearing White (2007)
With This Kiss (2007)
Mistletoe and Molly (2007)
Searching For Santa (2008)
American Dreams (2009)
All We Need (2009)
Lover Man (2009)
Texas Kiss (2009)
Spracovala Elen
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