Patricia POTTER
Skôr ako začala písať, pracovala ako reportérka v Antlanta Journal, editorka novín a prezidentka antlantskej firmy.
Žije v Memphise.

1. Swamp Fire (1988)
2. Samara (1989)
3. The Silver Link (1991)
1. Between the Thunder (1989)
2. Chase the Thunder (1989)
1. Lawless (1991)
2. Notorious (1993)
Civil War
1. Lightning (1992)
2. Renegade (1993)
1. Diablo (1996)
2. The Marshall and the Heiress (1997)
3. The Scotsman Wore Spurs (1997)
1. Starcatcher (1997) – SPOJENÍ PRÍSAHOU Ikar 2002 – Spojeni přísahou Ikar cz
2. Starfinder (1998)
3. Star Keeper (1999) – Hvězdný pirát Ikar cz 2000
1. The Black Knave (2000) – Černý jezdec Ikar cz 2002
2. The Heart Queen (2001) – Srdcová královna Ikar cz 2004
3. The Diamond King (2002) – DIAMANTOVÝ KRÁĽ Ikar 2004
1. Beloved Impostor (2004)
2. Beloved Stranger (2006)
3. Beloved Warrior (2007)
Seize the Fire (1989)
Dragonfire (1990)
Island of Dreams (1991)
The Abduction (1991)
Rainbow (1991)
The Greatest Gift (1991)
Troubadour (1993)
Relentless (1994)
Wanted (1994)
Impetuous (1995)
Defiant (1995)
Dangerous Man (1996)
Home for Christmas (1998)
The Soldier and the Rebel (1999)
Chase the Wind (2000)
The Perfect Family (2001)
Cassidy and the Princess (2001)
Broken Honor (2002)
Twisted Shadows (2002)
Dancing with a Rogue (2003)
Cold Target (2004)
Tangle of Lies (2005)
Tempting the Devil (2006)
Catch a Shadow (2008)
Behind the Shadows (2008)
Antológie / s inými autorkami
Southern Nights (1992) (with Sandra Chastain, Helen Mittermeyer)
Untamed Maverick Hearts (1993) (with Joan Johnston and Heather Graham Pozzessere)
Unchained Lightning (1996) (with Lynn Michaels, Anita Mills and Vivian Vaughan)
When You Wish (1997) (with Patricia Coughlin, Elizabeth Elliott, Jane Feather and Suzanne Robinson)
Ransomed Brides (1998) (with Ruth Langan)
Daughters Of Destiny (2001) (with Heather Graham, Merline Lovelace)
A Knight’s Vow (2001) (with Glynnis Campbell, Lynn Kurland and Deborah Simmons)
How to Lasso a Cowboy (2004) (with Emily Carmichael, Maureen McKade and Jodi Thomas)